Like, suddenly there was this rush of salty liquid in my mouth, no warning. The first time I swallowed I didn’t even know what I was doing, it just happened. “Swallowing is funny because it seems like there is such a premium on it, versus “spitting” which takes more skill anyways. He currently lives in Denver with his boyfriend.” Lia, 25 He wanted me to put the syrup on his dick. “The first time I swallowed I ran away from my boyfriend, spit it out in the sink, and took a swig chocolate syrup. You can see my story in the first episode, “Winter Is Coming”, below:
To celebrate the release of my new web series, The Big Gulp, which is about swallowing (hint: not water) I asked a vital question: “Do you remember the first time you swallowed?” People’s answers ranged from hilarious to surprisingly dark.